Tuesday, August 12, 2008

No title for this one

Dah nak masuk 2 minggu dah rasa macam ni. Rasa macam penat sangat. Sangat - sangat tak bermaya. Nampak sangat umur makin meningkat.

Tadi, thanks to Facebook, I "jumpa" balik my TESL friends. Most of them are married and some of them dah ada anak... Memang patut pun.

Last Saturday, I pergi wedding my ex-colleague. The truth: I memang tak nak pergi, bukan sebab tak happy diorang nak kahwin, but I takut I tak boleh nak control my emotions. Lately, I senang nak mengalir airmata bila cakap pasal weddings nih.

When will mine be? I don't know, I really don't. I wish I could have a definite answer. A definite answer could help me move on with my life. Bukan macam sekarang. Rasa macam stuck. I can't be here nor there. Ntah la, tengok je la macam mana nanti...

1 comment:

demonsinme said...

MELADY RINN - Princess fo the East:

Still not settle yet the thing with you and you know who?

Be strong okay. happiness will come you way more sooner than you imagine.