Monday, August 20, 2007

Isn't This Amazing?

Look at this pic. This is actually a part of tangga at Pahlawan Mall in Melaka. Yep, I was in Melaka last week. Melaka has changed since the last time I went there back in 2004. Dulu takde Pahlawan Mall, skarang nah, gedegang kat tengah padang tu.

When I first saw the mall, I said to myself, "Oh no, not another mall?!!" Memang la pada dasarnya it is a mall, takde beza dari mall - mall yang lain kat Malaysia ni. But when I went to the other side of the mall, there you are, I saw this beautiful tangga. Cantik sangat! I have to say this is fine art guys. I have to compliment the people behind this project. Bravo guys, you have left me gawping at the tangga.. Tee hee


demonsinme said...

eMelady Rinn:

Forgive me to have dared to ask of this -

would you grace me with a visit to my humble place, and honor me with your thoughts.

Share with all if there are wisdom to gain.

Blame me if its a nonsense trouble to start, and treat me as if I am a sour tart.

Again, forgive me for the leisure that I asked you to part.

Because I am a man who is certainly not smart.

Thank You.

mutalib saifuddin said...

the place was so controversial when the consturction took place...the big ship was also taken out from its original place...