Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Wish List Item No. 3

Ahh... I finally registered myself for Yoga classes. Started on Monday and today my body aches like hell! You see, I have not been exercising since the knee ops I had two years ago and I really think I should start again, exercising, I mean...
I'm going again tomorrow. Hope I'll survive...


Bie said...

Oh, thank God! I thought I'm the only wimp who couldn't ignore the pain after my first class. Relieved to find that it's normal. It didn't stop me from going to the second, third, and fourth, and so on though.

No pain, no gain. Literally. :) Having one tomorrow, btw.

Anonymous said...

ha, indulge yourself with the yoga ho, hope you're not doing it half-way, like you did to some 'mayfair' stuff a year ago...